to Indonesian

No. P-40/BC/2008





That in the framework of implementing the provisions in Article 21 of Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 145/PMK.04/2007 concerning Customs Provisions in the Export field, it is necessary to stipulate Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise concerning Customs Procedures in the Export field;

In view of:

1. Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs (Statute Book No. 75/1995, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3612/1995) as amended by Law No. 17/2006 (Statute Book No. 93/2006, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4661);

2. Law No. 11/1995 concerning Excise (Statute Book No. 76/1995, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3613) as amended by Law No. 39/2007 (Statute Book No. 105/2007, Supplement to Statute Book No. 4755);

3. Government Regulation No. 55/2008 concerning Imposition of Export Levy on the Exported Goods (Statute Book No. 116/2008);

4. Decree of the Minister of Finance No. 580/KMK.04/2003 concerning Procedure and Supervision of Import Facility for Export Purpose as amended several times, the latest by Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 111/PMK.010/2006;

5. Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 145/PMK.04/2007 concerning Customs Provisions in the Export field;

6. Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 100/PMK.01/2008 concerning Organization and Working Procedure of the Ministry of Finance as amended by Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 149/PMK.01/2008;

7. Regulation of the Minister of Finance No. 214/PMK.04/2008 concerning Collection of Export Levy;


To Stipulate:



Article 1

In this Regulation of the Director General:

1. Customs Law is Law No. 10/1995 concerning Customs as amended by Law No. 17/2006;

2. Export is activity to release goods from customs area.

3. Exporter is individual or legal entity that runs activities in clearing goods form the customs area.

4. Customs Service Processing Entrepreneur hereinafter abbreviated as PPJK is business entity that processes customs obligation for and on behalf of importer or exporter.

5. Courier Companies hereinafter called PJT is company that get courier license from authorized agency and get approval from Head of Customs Office to conduct customs activities.

6. Exported goods are goods cleared form the customs area.

7. Notification of Exported Goods hereinafter abbreviated as PEB is customs notification is used to notify exported goods.

8. Customs Zone is zone with specific borders on port, airport, or other places stipulated for goods traffics that are fully under the supervision of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

9. Computer system service is computer system used by the customs office in the framework of supervising and provision of customs service.

10. Electronic Data Exchange hereinafter abbreviated as PDE is electronic data exchange by using communication inter applications and inter integrated organization by using data communication system equipment.

11. Electronic Data Storage Media is media that can store electronic data like diskette, compact disc, flash disk, and others like.

12. Import Facilities for Export hereinafter abbreviated as KITE is a grant of exemption and/or reimbursement of import duty and/or excise, Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxurious non-import tax goods and/or material to be processed, assembled, or installed on other goods which main products are for export.

13. Export duty is collection by the State based on the Law on Customs charged on exported goods.

14. Exported Goods with certain characteristics are Exported Goods that quantity and/or specification only can be known after arrived in destination country.

15. Export Service Note hereinafter abbreviated as NPE is Note that is issued by Export Documents Checker Official or Service Computer System on the submitted PEB, used to protect entry of export goods to Customs Zone and/or loading to transportation means.

16. Notification Note of Requested Documents, hereinafter abbreviated as NPPD, is notification to the Exporter by Export Documents Checker Official or Service Computer System in Customs Office of Loading to submit Requested Documents by the related agency.

17. Notification of Goods Inspection, hereinafter abbreviated as PPB is notification to the Exporter by Export Documents Checker Official or Service Computer System in customs office of loading to check Export Goods physically.

18. Rejection Notification Note, hereinafter abbreviated as NPP is notification to the Exporter by Export Document Checker Official or Service Computer System in customs office of loading that notifies rejection of PEB because of PEB data filling and customs supplementary documents are not complete and/or not match.

19. Consolidation of Exporting Goods is activities to collect Exporting Goods are notified in two or more PEBs by using one container, before those goods are entered to Customs Zone to be loaded to the transportation means.

20. Party that make consolidated Export Goods is business entity that make consolidated Export Goods.

21. Notification of Consolidated Export Goods hereinafter abbreviated as PKBE is notification on export goods resulting from the consolidation prepared by the consolidation exporter, containing list of all PEBs and Export Service Notes existing in one container.

22. Mixed Export Goods are export goods that get KITE facility are mixed with other goods not in one unity that get or not get KITE facility.

23. Not in one unity is mixed goods become one unity but each good still can separated, like lamp set contain battery and fertilizer packing in bag.

24. Freight forwarder is domestic companies that send its production of goods to the consignee company to be merged into the Joint Export Goods.

25. Consignee company is domestic companies that have facilities that receive KITE manufactured goods freight forwarder to be merged into the Joint Export Goods.

26. Letter of Acceptance of Goods, hereinafter abbreviated SSTB is proof has been submitted and receipt of goods between the freight forwarder and consignee firms, signed by both parties and acknowledged by the Export Document Examination Officer at the nearest customs office.

27. Export Inspection Report hereinafter abbreviated as LPE is examination report with the facility of export goods with KITE facility, issued by the customs office of loading after the reconciliation.

28. The Intelligence Memorandum, hereinafter abbreviated as NHI is the product of intelligence activities that show indications of violation in the field of customs and/or excise.

29. Intelligence activities in the field of export is a series of activities within the intelligence cycle include planning intelligence work, gathering, assessment preparation, comparison, analysis, dissemination, and review of data based on information derived from the database and/or other information indicates a violation of the risk indicators the export field.

30. Cancellation of export is the act of canceling or not realizing the export by exporters on the PEB that has been delivered.

31. Letter of Approval for Expenditure Goods Exports, hereinafter called as SPPBE if the letter of approval to release Export Goods from the Customs Zone port of loading to the customs area.

32. Multimodal Transport is the transportation of goods by using at least 2 (two) different transport modes based on one (1) the contract of carriage that uses a multimodal transport document from one place of receipt of goods by the multimodal transport operator to a place designated for delivery of the goods.

33. Origin Port of Loading is a sea port or airport where export goods are loaded to domestic transportation means that are not part of multimodal transport.

34. Export Loading Port is a sea port or airport where export goods are loaded to:

35. Regional Office is the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

36. Customs Office is Main Service Office of Customs and Excise and Customs and Excise Control and Service Office where customs obligations are fulfilled.

37. Customs Inspection Office is the customs office carrying out physical examinations of exported goods.

38. Control Unit is a unit work at the Directorate General of conducting intelligence, enforcement, investigation, and other activities within the framework of supervision.

39. Export Document Examiner Officials are employees of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise in certain positions designated to carry out the examination of export documents.

40. Examiner is customs and excise officials who conduct physical inspection of goods.

41. Stuffing Monitoring Officer is customs officials who supervised the loading of goods into the container.

42. Field Service Officer is an officer of customs and excise that supervises exported goods in the Customs Area or loading of export goods outside of the Customs Zone.


Article 2

(1) Exporter should give notification of exported goods to customs office of loading by using PEB.

(2) PEB processing can be done by the Exporter itself or with proxy of PPJK.

(3) PEB as intended in paragraph (1) is not necessary for export of:

(4) In terms of exports of goods through PJT, PJT can notify in one PEB for some shippers with the provisions of PJT:

(5) PJT who did not submit advanced PEB sheet as intended in paragraph (4) c then the next PEB will not be served until PJT complete its obligations.

(6) In case the export notification of goods receiving KITE facility or from TPB that are notified by the PJT and are authorized to PJT, then the export will not be treated as exported goods receiving KITE facility or derived from TPB.

Article 3

On the export of goods unpaid excise, Exporters shall mention number and date of the protective document transport from the factory or place of storage to the port of loading (CK-8) in the PEB.

Article 4

(1) Exporter submit PEB to the customs office of the loading not more 7 (seven) days before the estimated date of export and at the latest before it is entered into the Customs Area.

(2) PEB for bulk goods are loaded onto the transportation means may be submitted by the exporter to the Customs office of loading prior to departure of transportation means.

(3) PEB over the export of electricity, liquids or gases through transmission or pipeline submitted by the exporter to the customs office of loading in periodically basis, no later than 1 (one) working days after the inspection of export goods delivery at the specified gauge in the customs area.

Article 5

(1) PEB can be submitted in electronic data or in written at the form.

(2) The customs office of loading that use customs PDE system in the service, Exporters submit PEB by using customs PDE system.

(3) The customs office of loading that do not use customs PDE system in the service, Exporters convey PEB by using Electronic Data Storage or writing on a form.

(4) PEB for Export Goods that get KITE facility shall be submitted by exporters to the customs office of loading by using the customs PDE system or Electronic Data Storage Media.

(5) PEB for special export goods include:

(6) PEB for Export Goods as intended in paragraph (5) b until g may be submitted by the exporters in written the form.


Article 6

(1) Exporters must make payment for services PEB PNBP through the perception of foreign banks, postal perception, or the customs office no later than the loading of the delivery of PEB.

(2) In case of non-tax payments on a periodical basis, payment may be made after delivery of the PEB.

(3) Rate, procedure for the imposition, and PNBP payments implemented in accordance with the provisions of legislation on PNBP.

Article 7

(1) For Export Goods subject to Export Levy, the exporter shall make payment of Export Levy at the latest at the time of submission of PEB.

(2) In case of exported goods subject to Export Levy is Exports of goods with specified characteristics, Exporters can make payments of Export Levy at the latest 60 (sixty) days from the date of departure of transportation means.

(3) The procedure for the imposition and payment of Export Levy carried out in accordance with the provisions of legislation on Export Levy.


Part One
Documents Checking

Article 8

(1) Export Goods are notified in PEB, documents will be checked after delivered of PEB.

(2) The customs office of the loading that use customs PDE system in the customs service system, will do:

(3) Customs office of the loading that in customs service system serve PEB in Electronic Data Storage Media, do:

(4) Customs office of the loading that serve PEB by customs service system in writing on forms, documents checking conducted by:

Article 9

(1) On loading a customs office in the customs service system using customs PDE system, in terms of checking results for the charging of PEB data show:

(2) On loading customs office in customs service system serve PEB in the form of Electronic Data Storage Media or writing on a form, in terms of chedking results for the charging of PEB data show:

(3) In case NPPD issued as intended in paragraph (1) b and paragraph (2) b, complementary customs documents required by relevant agencies as listed in the NPPD shall be submitted by the exporter to the customs and excise officials that deal with the provision of prohibitions and restrictions goods prior to export goods entered into Customs area.

(4) Checking the provisions concerning prohibition and restrictions is made by:

(5) NPE as intended in paragraph (1) c and paragraph (2) c, printed its designation as follows:

(6) In case the calculation of Export Levy caught out incorrectly and Export Goods does not do a physical examination, the Export Document Examiner Official perform the calculation of Export Levy by issues SPPBK within a period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of registration of PEB.

(7) In case the calculation of Customs caught out incorrectly and Export Goods done a physical examination, the Export Document Examiner Official perform the calculations of Export Levy by issues SPPBK within a period of:

Part Two
Physical Checking of Goods.

Article 10

(1) Physical checking shall be conducted on Exported Goods:

(2) Physical checking shall not be conducted on the Exported Goods of:

(3) Provision as intended in paragraph (2) is not valid if there is strong indication that violation is taking place or the provision of the statutory regulation has been violated.

(4) Physical checking on the Exported Goods as intended in paragraph (1) can be done at:

(5) In case Exported Goods shall be checked physically in outside of Customs Zone, PEB shall be submitted to loading port of customs office 2 (two) days before physical checking of goods at the latest.

Article 11

(1) A physical checking of goods made on the entire party goods (100% inspection rate) of Exported Goods as intended in Article 10 paragraph (1) a, b, d, e, and the f.

(2) Physical checking of Export Goods receiving KITE facility is done by checking the level of 10% at random from all the party goods and at least 2 (two) packages.

(3) In case the party consisted of 1 (one) package, physical cheking conducted on the entire party of goods.

(4) Physical checking as intended in paragraph (2) increased to 100% in terms of:

Article 12

(1) To determine the quantity of exported goods that are loaded to transportation means by pipeline, performed the checking at the time of loading based on measuring devices results under the supervision of Directorate General of Customs and Excise.

(2) In case of pipelines or transmission lines go directly to the outside of customs area, a physical checking of export goods based on the measurement results of last measurement in the customs area.

(3) On the Export Goods that physical checking carried out outside the Zone Customs of loading port to do control on the stuffing and sealing of containers or packaging of goods.

Article 13

(1) In case the results of physical examination found the quantity of goods and/or types of goods according to:

(2) In case the results of physical checking found the quantity of goods and/or type of goods do not match, then to:

(3) Export Service Note issued by the Export Document Checker Official as intended in:

(4) To obtain the accuracy of identification of export goods, Export Document Checking Official may order laboratory tests to be done.

(5) In case of laboratory tests as intended in paragraph (4), Export Document Checker Official issues NPE after laboratory test results is issued.

(6) Procedure for submission of PEB and Export Goods customs checking provided for in Attachment I of this Regulation of Director General.

Article 14

(1) Determination of specified Exporter as intended in Article 10 paragraph (2) conducted by the Director of Action and Investigation.

(2) Determination of specified Exporters as intended in paragraph (1) with respect to the reputation of Exporters which includes:

Article 15

(1) Exporters with status as a priority line or importers who obtains the status of equivalent with priority line importers are treated as a certain Exporters as intended in Article 10 paragraph (2).

(2) The provisions as intended in paragraph (1) does not apply in case there is a strong indication of a violation will occur or there is sufficient evidence of the beginning violation of statutory provisions made by the Exporters with the status as priority line importers or other importers obtains equivalent status with priority line importers.


Part One
Consolidation of Export Goods

Article 16

(1) Goods Exports can be consolidated.

(2) Parties who perform consolidation as intended in paragraph (1) consists of:

Article 17

(1) To obtain approval as a consolidator of export goods as intended in Article 16 paragraph (2) a, the employer submits an application to the head of the customs office in accordance with the format as Example 3A of Attachment XIII of this Regulation of this Director General.

(2) Approval as intended in paragraph (1) given in the event that the employer has fulfilled the following requirements:

Article 18

(1) To do Consolidated Export Goods in a single group of company, should be appointed Exporter is responsible for the Consolidation of Export Goods of group companies to consolidate Exports Goods.

(2) Exporters are responsible for the consolidation of export goods as intended in paragraph (1) shall notify the customs office loading on:

(3) The notification as intended in paragraph (2) in accordance with the format in Sample 3B of Attachment XIII of this Regulation of the Director General.

Article 19

(1) Party who consolidate export goods as intended in Article 16 paragraph (1) shall notify the Consolidated Exports of Goods in PKBE and submit it to the customs office of loading.

(2) At the customs office of loading in the customs service system using PDE system of customs, PKBE submission as intended in paragraph (1) is done by using the PDE system of customs.

(3) At the customs office of loading in the customs service system does not use PDE system of customs, PKBE submission as intended in paragraph (1) is carried out by writing in the form.

(4) PKBE as intended in paragraph (1) printed its designation as follows:

(5) The printout of PKBE data that has been getting a number and date of registration is used as an entry document of ​​Export Goods to the Customs Zone at the port of loading and loading onto the transportation means.

(6) In case of Exporters has submitted the PEB at the customs office of loading, the transport of Export Goods from the Exporter warehouse to the consolidation place uses NPE, or PPB and PEB.

Article 20

(1) To consolidate of exported goods made stuffing control.

(2) Stuffing control as intended in paragraph (1) conducted by the Stuffing Control Official based on PKBE as intended in Article 19 paragraph (1).

(3) Stuffing of Consolidation of Export Goods shall have been equipped with PEB and NPE.

(4) Consolidator registration and Consolidation of Export Goods procedures are set out in Attachment II of this Regulation of Director General.

Part Two
Merging of Export Goods that get KITE Facility

Article 21

(1) Exporters get KITE facility can perform a combined export goods by combining their products with goods from other companies that have KITE facility or not.

(2) the combined export goods as intended in paragraph (1) conducted with the following provisions:

(3) The sender company shall notify the goods to be handed to the consignee company by using SSTB to the customs office nearest to the location of delivery of goods.

(4) The consignee company shall notify to the customs office that control it at the time receives goods to be combined.

(5) SSTB made in 4 (four) sheets with following allocation:

Article 22

(1) Consolidated Export Goods as intended in Article 21 paragraph (1) notified in a PEB as Export Goods with provisions, in PEB continuation sheet must be filled in data on:

(2) Based on the PEB as intended in paragraph (1) customs office of loading issues LPE for each company receiving KITE facility that products combined to be exported as export goods combined.

(3) Service procedure of consolidated Export Goods is governed according to Attachment III of this Regulation of Director General.


Article 23

(1) Exports of import origin raw materials that gets KITE facility, can be done after Exporter getting approval from the Head of loading customs office.

(2) Export as intended in paragraph (1) carried out by using the PEB and issued LPE.

(3) Approval as intended in paragraph (1) can be obtained by Exporter by file application that contains the reason for export and description of:

(4) The application as intended in paragraph (3) must be attached with import documents in the form of a copy of PIB are legalized by customs officials who handle the distribution of documents, invoices, packing lists, and the Letter of Guarantee Receipt (STTJ) as well as other evidences such as cancellation of orders from buyers of finished goods abroad, the sales contract.

(5) On the export goods as intended in paragraph (1) shall be carried out physical checking of goods.

(6) In case at physical checking of goods found export goods are different from goods are notified in PEB and/or PIB, Export Document Checker Official handed to Supervision Unit at the customs office of loading to do further investigation.

(7) Export Goods as intended in paragraph (6) are not treated as goods receiving KITE facility and not issued LPE.


Article 24

(1) Importation of Goods Exports to Customs Zone at the port of unloading is done by using:

(2) In case of exported goods stockpiled at the TPS, NPE, PEB and PPB, or PKBE are submitted by the Exporter or the parties that consolidate them to the TPS entrepreneur as notification that the stockpiled of export goods at the TPS have been approved by Export Document Checker Official at customs office of loading.

(3) TPS Entrepreneurs are required to submit the realization of hoarding Export Goods as intended in paragraph (2) to the Head of customs office of loading.

(4) In case export goods are from TPB, Export Document Checker Official at the customs office of loading submit a copy of NPE is signed by Field Service Official at the entrance to the customs area to Customs Office that supervises the TPB.

(5) Procedure to enter Export Goods to Customs Zone is governed in Attachment IV of this Regulation of the Director General.


Article 25

(1) Loading of Goods Exports to the transportation means are carried out after obtaining the approval of export, by using:

(2) NPE, PKBE or loading request bulk goods which have been granted approval note by the Head of Customs Office of loading shall be delivered by Exporters to the carrier as notification that the loading of Export Goods to the transportation means has been approved by the Export Documents Checker Official or Head of customs office of loading.

(3) Loading of Goods Exports to the transportation means carried out in the Customs Zone, or in certain condition can be done elsewhere with the approval of the head of customs office of loading.

(4) Approval as intended in paragraph (1), and paragraph (2) will be suspended its implementation in terms of Export Goods affected by the NHI.

(5) Working procedures of loading of export goods is governed in Attachment V of this Regulation of the Director General.

Article 26

(1) PEB which was submitted to the customs office of loading will be carried reconciliation with the outward manifest that was registered at the customs office of loading.

(2) Reconciliation as intended in paragraph (1) conducted by comparing multiple data elements, namely:

(3) In case of PEB with KITE facility, reconciliation activities as intended in paragraph (2) equipped with matching data elements of:

(4) The customs office of loading that in Customs Service Computer System using custom PDE system or Electronic Data Storage Media to serve exports and manifests, reconciliation activities as intended in paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) conducted by customs officials who handle manifest by using the Services Computer System.

(5) The customs office of the loading that in Customs Service Computer System for export and manifest using writing in the form system, the reconciliation as intended in paragraph (1) conducted by customs and excise officials who deal with the manifest.

(6) In case the reconciliation as intended in paragraph (2) and paragraph (3) there are data elements that do not match, customs and excise officials who deal with the manifest conduct further research.

(7) In case of exported goods are from TPB, customs and excise officials who handle manifest in customs office of loading submit the reconciliation to the customs office which supervise the TPB.

(8) Procedures of reconciliation is governed in Attachment VI of this Regulations of the Director General.


Part One
Cancellation of Export

Article 27

(1) Goods which have been notified to be exported and have obtained the registration number of PEB, may be canceled exports.

(2) Exporters must report the cancellation of export as intended in paragraph (1) in writing to Export Document Checking Official at customs office of loading no later than 3 (three) working days after the departure of transportation means listed in the PEB.

Article 28

Exporters who do not report the cancellation of export of goods which have been notified in the PEB or reported after a specified period as intended in Article 27 paragraph (2) subject to administrative sanctions in the form of fines in accordance with applicable regulations.

Article 29

(1) On the export goods are cancelled as intended in Article 27 paragraph (1) does not do a physical examination, except for the Export Goods are issued NHI.

(2) In case of a physical checking based on the NHI as intended in paragraph (1) and found quantity and/or types of goods:

(3) The PEB cancellation procedure is governed in Attachment VII of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Two
Revision on PEB Data

Article 30

(1) Exporter can revise PEB data have been send to customs office of loading in case there is any mistake in the PEB data.

(2) In case of export goods subject to Export Levy, Exporters can perform error correction of PEB data occurs because a real mistake.

(3) real mistake as intended in paragraph (2) such as:

(4) Correction of PEB data as intended in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) carried out after obtaining approval from the Head of the customs office of loading or Export Document Checker Official.

(5) Correction of PEB data as intended in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) shall be notified by the Exporter to the customs office of loading by using a Notification of PEB Correction (PP-PEB).

(6) The Export Goods are performed PEB data correction is not carried out a physical checking, except for the Export Goods issued NHI.

(7) In case of a physical checking based on the NHI as intended in paragraph (6) and found the quantity and/or types of goods:

Article 31

(1) Correction of PEB data as intended in Article 30 of the type of goods, quantity of goods, container numbers, type of currency, and/or FOB value of goods can be served before the goods enter the Customs area, except for:

(2) Correction of PEB data regarding renaming tool carrier, voyage/flight number, the expected date of export caused by a short shipment, can be served no later than 3 (three) days after the departure of original transportation means.

(3) Correction of PEB data about the expected date of export on the export of goods subject to Export Levy can be served with the following provisions:

(4) Correction of PEB data other than correction as intended in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) may be served no later than 1 (one) month commencing from the PEB get a registration number.

(5) Correction of PEB data on export goods subject to Export Levy as intended in Article 30 paragraph (2) can not be served if:

(6) Procedure of PEB data correction is governed in Attachment VIII of this Regulation of the Director General.

Article 32

(1) Against the PEB data error on the types/categories of exports, the type of facility being requested, and/or customs offices of loading can not be done PEB data correction.

(2) Type/category of export as intended in paragraph (1) involves the export of:

(3) On the mistake as intended in paragraph (1), PEB is cancelled if Export Goods has not been loaded into the transportation means.

(4) Head of the customs office of loading or Export Documents Checker Official approves the cancellation as intended in paragraph (3) based on the PEB cancellation request submitted by the Exporter.

(5) The Export Goods that have been made cancellation of PEB as intended in paragraph (3), Exporters deliver new PEB along the exported goods have not been loaded into the transportation means.

(6) In case of export goods subject to Export Levy, exporters must submit a cancellation of PEB to:

(7) In case of exporters do not file the cancellation of Export Customs Notification as intended in paragraph (6), the exporters are not served for export.

Article 33

(1) In case of exported goods has been entered into the Customs Zone and:

(2) Releasing of Exports Goods from Customs Zone as intended in paragraph (1) a 2 and b 2. performed by using SPPBE.

(3) SPPBE as intended in paragraph (2) are printed destining as follows:

(4) Procedures of releasing Export Goods from Customs Zone because of correction or cancellation are governed in Attachment IX of this Regulation of the Director General.


Part One
Cancellation of PKBE Data

Article 34

(1) PKBE which was submitted can be cancelled.

(2) The cancellation as intended in paragraph (1) conducted by the party to consolidate after obtaining approval from the Head of customs office of loading or Export Document Checker Official.

(3) Approval as intended in paragraph (2) may be granted if the application filed by the parties to consolidate prior to export goods loaded on the transportation means.

Part Two
Correction of PKBE Data

Article 35

(1) PKBE which was submitted can be corrected.

(2) Correction as intended in paragraph (1) filed by parties who perform consolidation by using PKBE Correction Notice (PP-PKBE) prior to export goods entered into the Customs Area.

(3) In case of exported goods has been entered into the Customs area but has not been loaded onto the transportation means, PKBE data rectification can be done with the following provisions:

(4) Correction of PKBE can be submitted by using customs PDE system or writings on the form.

(5) Correction as intended in paragraph (1) can be performed on all data elements except the identity of the parties to consolidate and customs office code of loading.

(6) On the errors of data regarding the identity of the parties conducting the consolidation and customs office code of loading done PKBE cancellation.

(7) In case of PKBE is submitted by using customs PDE system, then the correction can be performed with the following provisions:

(8) Procedures of cancellation and correction of PKBE are governed in Attachment X of this Regulation of the Director General.


Article 36

(1) Any goods to be exported by using domestic sea or air transportation means that are not part of multimodal transportation, PEB can be delivered at the customs office of loading in the Origin Port.

(2) The goods as intended in paragraph (1) are physical inspected sealed by customs office of loading or Checking Customs Office in the Origin Port.

(3) Head of the customs office of loading at the Origin Port notify the goods as intended in paragraph (1), the Head of the customs office of loading at the Export Port not later than the next working day since the departure of transportation means.

(4) Customs office of loading at the Export Port supervises the loading of goods as intended in paragraph (1) to the transportation means which will go toward the outside of customs area.

(5) Head of the customs office of loading at the Export Port notifies the Head of customs office of loading in the Origin Port of NPE reconciliation result with the outward manifest of the goods as intended in paragraph (1) at least 10 (ten) days since the submission of the manifest outward.

(6) The notification as intended in paragraph (3) and paragraph (5) determined in accordance with sample 3.e and sample 3.f of Attachment XIII of this Regulation of the Director General.

(7) Service procedure of goods to be exported by using domestic sea and air transportation and not part of inter mode transportation are governed in Attachment XI of this Regulation of the Director General.


Part One
Issuance of LPE

Article 37

(1) On the export get KITE facility, LPE is issued by Export Document Checker Official in customs office of loading.

(2) LPE is issued after data elements in reconciliation process as intended in Article 26 paragraph (3) are match.

(3) In case there is data element in reconciliation process as intended in Article 26 paragraph (3) is not match, LPE will be issued after Exporter submit document:

(4) Exporter should submit documents as intended in paragraph (3) to Export Document Checker Official in customs office of loading within period 1 (one) months since registration date of PEB.

(5) In case Exporter does not submit documents as intended in paragraph (3) to Export Document Checker Official in customs office of loading within period 1 (one) month since registration date of PEB, LPE will not be issued.

(6) LPE will be printed for the following:

(7) Procedure to issues LPE is governed in Attachment XII of this Regulation of the Director General.

Part Two
Correction of LPE

Article 38

(1) LPE has been issued can be corrected by against the rectification can be carried out by officials at the Export Document Examiner loading the customs office where the publication of LPE.

(2) Correction LPE can be done in the event of any rectification of PEB data or because of administrative error on the issuance of LPE.


Article 38

(1) In terms of delivery of the PEB is done by written in the form, customs and excise officials who handle the export data will record PEB data and administration of PEB.

(2) PEB data stored electronically in the regional office and the Directorate of Customs and Excise Information.

(3) Delivery of PEB data from the customs office of loading to regional office and the Directorate of Customs and Excise Information regulated further by the Director of Customs and Excise Information.

Article 40

Exporters must keep PEB has got the registration number and complementary customs documents for a period of 10 (ten) years at their place of business in Indonesia.


Article 41

(1) For the purposes of control, control unit of the Customs Office conduct intelligence activities in the field of exports.

(2) Control Unit at the Customs office of export goods can perform scanning using the Gamma Ray container scanner.

(3) Based on the results of intelligence activities in the field of export as intended in paragraph (1), customs and excise officials in charge of enforcement at the Customs Office may conduct the following activities:

(4) On the activities as intended in paragraph (3), the responsible officials in the field of action make a report to the head of the customs office.


Article 42

(1) Customs office serves 24 (twenty four) hours every day on the following activities:

(2) Head of customs office staffs officials to serve activities as intended in paragraph (1).


Article 43

In case PEB is submitted by using customs PDE system, print out of PEB that get registration number, NPE, NPB, and LPE are pretended as legal documents.

Article 44

(1) In case computer in Customs Office that use customs PDE system or Electronic Data Storage Media cannot be operated within period 4 (four) hours, PEB can be submitted in the form and PEB data are entered.

(2) PEB data as intended in paragraph (1) are entered by customs and excise official who handles export data after PEB get registration number.

Article 45

Forms are used to implement this Regulation are stated in Attachment XIII of this Regulation of the Director General.

Article 46

If required, Head of Regional Office or Head of Main Service Office stipulate further technical directive on the procedure of export service as long as not contradict with this Regulation of the Director General.


Article 47

(1) Procedure of export service by using PDE system or electronic data storage media based on Decree of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. Kep-151/BC/2003 and No. Kep-152/BC/2003 as amended by Decree of the Director General of Customs and Excise No. Kep-79/BC/2004 still effective while export Service Computer System (SKP) of Customs at Directorate General of Customs and Excise not fully operated yet based on this Regulation of the Director General.

(2) Provision as intended in paragraph (1) valid until March 31, 2009.


Article 48

When this Regulation of the Director General come into effect:

are revoked and declared null and void.

Article 49

This Regulation of the Director General shall come into effect on January 1, 2009.

For public cognizance, this Regulation of the Director General of Customs and Excise shall be published by placing it in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia.

Stipulated in Jakarta
on December 23, 2008
NIP 120050332
